Tuesday 30 October 2012

3 weeks! I'm sorry!

So, it has been 3 weeks since my last post. I do apologise, Uni has gotten a bit hectic and all 5 members of the crazy house have been ill at some point in the last 3 weeks. Anyhow, lots of orders been made, as usual, and also, i have some exciting news!

I'm booked in for my first ever ever craft fair.

28th November at the local rugby club. So excited. I went full hog last week and made lots of christmas decorations. I have also acquired a silver twig tree to display them on!

Here it is!!

I am also working on some other bits to take with me and will be handmaking all the tags e.t.c. 

Sorry for the short post but i have lots to do. Hoping to do a tutorial for you guys next week so any suggestions? 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mouse Stashes!

Just a quick update as i haven't been here much. I'm back in uni at the moment as you all know, and with all the work from there as well as Sew Cuddlie work, I don't have much time on my hands. But after Halloween, something important happens.


Yes, Movember is the new November. There is a website here - MOVEMBER which explains the process and reasons for Movember but I'll break it down quickly.
1. On 31st October, men rid themselves of all facial hair
2. From 1st November, they grow a moustache for a month. It can be in any style, large or small.
3. People sponsor them to do so. They can sponsor as little or as much as they want.
4. At the end of the month, totals are totted up and money is sent to Movember.

It raises money for research into prostate cancer as well as awareness about the condition. It also hopefully influences men to do a self check exam down there. Normally, my hubby takes part and last year he raised £120 for the cause. Hopefully he will be taking part this year too, but I wanted to go the extra mile. So, i wondered... What can i make? How can i help?

And it came to me in a flash of light and a flurry of hair!

A moustache keyring

Yep, a keyring, with a moustache on. I have made 3 designs so far. 

#1.A standard gentleman's 'tache.

#2. A Lemmy inspired 'tache

#3. A Poirot inspired 'tache

They are going to be £1 plus postage costs and ALL money raised (except P+P) will go to Movember!

So what do you think?

I've got mine!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

A 'proper' bag please

So, post holiday and everything has settled back into some resemblance of normal. I'm back at university (boo - less sewing time) and the children are back at school and nursery. First week back, we had a letter home regarding P.E days and what kit would be needed. So, packed Talea off to school with P.E kit in her backpack and she came back saying that as much as she loved her backpack (it IS Doctor Who!), some of the other kids had 'proper' P.E. bags (you know, the drawstring ones)...

I googled P.E kit tutorials and after trawling through piles of poorly written ones (and one that sounded realy good but had no pictures - i like to know i am on the right track) I stumbled across a gem on Kitchen Table Sewing and had the confidence to proceed. Appealing to my eldest geekchild's girly side, i ordered a lovely piece of princess material with Rapunzel on (so rare to find her on things that i snap it up quickly when i do). 

I followed the tutorial through using my princess material and a plain pale yellow cotton for the lining. I added a panel with her name (just in case any other child had one like it - you never know) with buttons for letter holes and kept it as simple as that.

And here is the finished article. 

Really hard to photograph because of how the cord puckers the material when pulled but i did my best.
Hanging with Full P.E kit (trainers, shorts and t-shirt) inside

It is large enough to fit everything she needs inside, is cool and suits her style. And most importantly, it is hers and unique.

Close up of the name panel - with added buttons!
I can't wait to see her face when she catches sight of it. I have ordered some more boy-suitable material and will be making another for my son, they are really easy to do and counting the time i actually spent working on it, i would say 3 hours (a bit longer with the name panel as i hand cut my letters). 

Thanks to Kitchen Table Sewing, my daughter now has a P.E. bag she will adore!

Sunday 30 September 2012

Na na na na na na na na... VWORP!

Bat Cat!

So, its been a crazy fortnight in Sew Cuddlie Towers. Firstly, we went on holiday which was brilliant. Lots of fun had by me and the three rotters! Hubby enjoyed staying at home in the peace and quiet too.

Then we were all ill and i started my second year of my nursing degree. So the making only really started again mid last week.

After finishing a cat project:
which sold within 9 minutes of being uploaded!

I needed to make myself a new bag. I have been deliberating over the design for a few weeks and decided on a TARDIS (yes, I really am that obsessed). So, 6 hours later:
Here it is. One bag complete with TARDIS. Here is the close up:
All the words are hand stitched and i even managed to fit 2 buttons on there! I love the flashes on the light!

I have had a fair few comments about this bag and a couple have been ordered as christmas presents, so all is well.

Before we went away, i made a cat that inspired a genius idea in my husband. So, after making my bag, i set to work on the super secret project. Code name: Na na na na na na na na!

He protects the streets from rats and mice and prevents an overabundance of catnip. It's na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na........


So, what do you think? I am going to be making some more superhero companions for the collection. Any ideas?

Until next time......

Friday 14 September 2012

Off on my jollies

So, we are going away for the week and i was sorting through the kid's clothes to pack. I came across a t-shirt that was my eldest and is now the right size for my youngest girl.
It had a lovely bird design on it and i remember my eldest wearing it a lot. Like every time it was clean, it went straight on. However it was very VERY stained and was white, so i couldn't recycle it for my youngest. 

So, i thought.... i planned to cut the bird off and sew it onto a new t-shirt (my kids have a lot of plain tees for this very purpose!). Only problem was, when i cut it off, a lot of it was embroidered and the rest of it was in pieces. So, time for Plan B.

I made a template from the pieces and hunted out a bunch of pretty girly fabric to cut for parts. I sewed it all onto a square of white fabric (minus the flower as i didn't want it on the new tee), add a few buttons and Hey Presto! A new tee!

And one very impressed daughter!

Now i have to finish packing! See you in a week or so!

Friday 7 September 2012

Taking time out...

So. why have i been so quite this week?

Well, my dad has been moving house and as he is elderly and has had a stroke a few years back, he needs help. So for the last 3 weeks, that is where i have been, supporting him with the move. There is still some work to be done but we are nearly done!

On a more positive note, all of my alreadymade cats for ValeCatRescue have sold and so far i have raised £16 for them.

I decided that, as i was quiet this week, i would make something of my 'me' list. And here it is:

My Halloween bunting. It is made from a lovely selection of halloween fabrics that have been sitting in my cupboard for a few weeks. All of the letters, and the bat, are felt and it is going to look fab on my wall at halloween.

This makes me happy!

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!

Wednesday 29 August 2012


So, i took my eldest to the cinema tonight with her cousin to see Brave. She is a huge fan of all things princessy but also quite a tomboy. She loves pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones and her favourite thing of all is Doctor Who (wonder where she gets it from hey?!).

So Brave was Perfect. Just the right balance of Girly and Action for her (and me!!!). She oohed and aahed in all the right places and walked out of the little cinema in awe!

And i walked out inspired. I had seen the wisps and HAD to make me one.

So..... Here he is.

Not strictly the same but it is hard to sew a flickery misty flamey thing. I think i captured him quite well and he has little arms.

I am also going to have to make another one (or two once my eldest sees him) as my niece has swiped him!!